Atlanta among most literate cities: Good news for ebook readers

Atlanta among most literate cities: Good news for ebook readers
December 29, 2009
Rick Limpert

In a recent study by Central Connecticut State University, Atlanta ranks near the top of the list as one of the most literate cities in America. This was a national survey, and ranked cities of more than 250,000 people.

The study took into account newspaper circulation, libraries, the number of local publications,and interestingly enough internet use. Combining being at the top of a literacy list and internet usage equals good news for ebook readers in Atlanta. I've been in two Barnes & Nobles recently in Metro Atlanta and both had nice Nook ereader display booths with knowledgeable employees manning them. People were actually lined up to try the Nook and ask questions. This to me is a good sign for B&N as well as Amazon, Sony and other ebook reader makers.

Seattle, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis also ranked at the top of the literacy list.
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