Atlanta Attraction Stone Mountain Park
Atlanta Attraction Stone Mountain Park
March 30, 2010
Seven-Sided Cube
16 miles down the east of Atlanta you can find 3200 acre park which is surrounded by mountain and that is the reason it is called Stone Mountain Park. This place has become center of attraction and you can find some kind of activities for visitors of all ages. Campsites, hiking, fishing and all the other kinds of entertainment including activities for kids can be found here.
Visitors who are interested in hiking can enjoy it here in Stone Mountain Park, where you have the 1.3 mile walk-up trail to the top of the Stone Mountain. If you are able to reach the top of the mountain then you will get a treat of viewing the beautiful Atlanta city skyline and the surroundings. You can also find a restaurant, gift shop and restrooms on top of the mountain.
Recently this Stone Mountain Park has gained huge popularity and also the number of visitors are increasing every year. Atlanta is not a tourist place but with the Stone Mountain park coming to the notice, it has become one of the tourist places in Georgia State.
