Atlanta doubles price for Fulton County Jail
Atlanta doubles price for Fulton County Jail
September 2, 2011
FULTON COUNTY, Ga. -- The city of Atlanta is prepared to sell its jail to Fulton County for $85 million, more than doubling the price it was willing to sell it for just 16 months ago.
U.S. District Court Judge Marvin Shoob issued an order Thursday forcing Fulton to purchase Atlanta's jail within 60 days to ease dangerous overcrowding at its own county lockup.
In July 2010, Atlanta City Council approved a resolution offering to sell its jail to the county for around $40 million.
Channel 2 obtained documents from the federal courthouse detailing Atlanta's newest proposal. It offers the county two options for the jail: purchase it for $85 million or lease between 400 and 750 beds for $103 a night.
Atlanta's Chief Operating Officer Peter Aman defended the dramatic price increase and its timing.
"The price went up before the judge's order," Aman told Channel 2's Richard Elliot. "we provided to the federal judge's monitor the price before the order was issued."
The judge's office stated it did not officially received the notification until Friday.
Channel 2's Mark Winne contacted Judge Shoob who stated, "A price was agreed upon, and if they raise the price, we're going to take the steps necessary to protect the citizens of Fulton County."
Aman told Elliot he's trying to protect the citizens of the Atlanta. He's worried that once the city sells the jail to Fulton County, another federal judge could come in and order them to house even more prisoners, essentially squeezing out city detainees still housed there.
"We're not willing to take as much of a risk as it now appears we might take if we sold it to them without the funds necessary to build another jail if we had to which would really be a travesty," said Aman.
Aman also contends the jail is actually worth well over $100 million. He also said last year's price was partially based on the fact it housed less detainees and wasn't run as efficiently as it is today. He said, even at $85 million, the city jail is still a bargain.
"The idea they could get access to it free and clear in 60 days, that they could get it for much less than $100 million, and in fact that its staffed with people and ready to go, would argue for the fact that it's actually a fairly fair price," said Aman.
No one was the Fulton County Commission was available for comment.
