Santa's elf makes Christmas naughty list after threatening to dynamite Atlanta-area shopping center
Santa's elf makes Christmas naughty list after threatening to dynamite Atlanta-area shopping center
December 3, 2009
BY Katie Nelson
Daily News
A bad Santa's elf swapped holiday cheer for fear when he jumped on St. Nick's lap in a suburban Atlanta mall and started babbling about "dynamite," police said.
The suspect was dressed in tights and red-and-green jacket adorned with jingle bells. At just 5 feet and 108 pounds, he was in fact, rather elfin.
The trouble started when he cut in line to get his photo taken with Santa Claus Wednesday evening at Southlake Mall in Morrow, Ga.
Santa overheard the rogue elf use the word "dynamite" twice - prompting a call to mall security.
Guards called in the local cops, who evacuated several thousand shoppers about 7 p.m. while bomb squads were called to search the man's two duffel bags.
No dynamite ever turned up - only a Santa hat, an elf hat and other clothing that belonged to William Caldwell, 45.
He was arrested at the scene.
"He has made some statements. They didn't make much sense," said Morrow police Capt. James Callaway.
"We don't think there was any criminal intent on his part as far as trying to threaten anybody or blow the mall up."
"He never said, 'bomb,' 'I'm going to kill you,' or 'I'm going to blow it up.' All he said was 'dynamite.'"
Caldwell was being held at a county jail on suspicion of creating false public alarm, reckless conduct and terrorist threats and acts.
Investigators haven't found a history of violence, and suspect Caldwell is mentally ill, Callaway said.
Officials said Caldwell had no connection with the mall's Santa operation.
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