Theatre in the Square

Theatre in the Square

1 Whitlock Ave.
Marietta, GA 30064
Box office: (770) 422-8369
Admin: (770) 422-8369
Fax: (770) 424-2637

hat is Theatre In The Square

“Gutsy…grand-slam production…seasoned professionalism…powerhouse performance…well-tuned ensemble…likely to be the season’s most talked about production…rich, rewarding and insightful evening of theatre...

Those are just a few samples of the kinds of things critics were saying about Theatre In The Square last season. But for a theatre in its 27th year, one would expect that we have learned to do a few things rights. Some who have been with us a while think we have been getting it right for the very beginning. As one patron remarked in recalling our widely ranging programming: “Every season you take us on a ride for the whole year!”

Come join us for the trip. Our big 27th has more of the same kind of flash and sass, glitz and grit, and just plain heart-tugging aisle-rolling, mind-expanding great theatre.

Just be sure and buckle up!

Palmer Wells, Producing Director
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